Food Sadhana

Homemade Almond Milk


In this Vata time of the year, ALMOND MILK can be a delicious, nutritious milk source. Almonds are quite high in vitamin E, and a very good source of magnesium, copper, vitamin B2, as well as phosphorus. Industrial almond milk, however, is not as good for you. It is not only loaded with chemicals and preservatives, but also the few almonds in it are pasteurized and unsoaked. The good news is, making your own almond milk is really easy! MAKING ALMOND MILK - Soak about 1 cup of unpasteurized almonds for about 12 hours. - Then rinse and drain the almonds well. - Put them in your Vitamix or blender, and cover with filtered water (about 3 cups or just enough to cover the almonds by an inch, but you can adjust for your desired milk thickness). - Blend for 40 seconds or until desired consistency is reached. - Strain the milk using a nut milk bag (fine cheese cloth also works). Et voilà! Refrigerate and enjoy within 4-5 days. SOAKING ALMONDS It is quite difficult for our bodies to digest unsoaked almonds. Their enzyme inhibitors can even prevent us from absorbing the nutrients of other foods. Soaking unpasteurized almonds for 12 hours initiates their germination process and releases these elements (pasteurized almonds are unable to sprout; instead they will rot). Even in your favorite natural grocery shop they are hard to find, but you can easily buy unpasteurized almonds online (Amazon has them for example). So for snack or milk, always soak almonds before consuming them. And be sure to rinse them thoroughly after every 12 hours of soaking. The amount of nutrition and energy they will give you is worth every effort!

Peggy Jubert
Posted Date : 13-10-2014
Release Date : 13-10-2014
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