English (United Kingdom) (en-GB - ID: 1)
AYURVEDA HEALTHCARE TRAINING Level 1 - Hawaii, Japan, India (weekends) 5 half days starts MAR 2024 (101017)
Hawaii, Oahu, Honolulu - Yoga Awareness Waikiki
2024-03-16 to 2024-03-30  Price: USD $500.00

Includes the following
2024-03-16 Sat
DAY 1 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 08:00am to 01:00pm
Opening and introduction, AyurYoga practice with mantra, Fundamental concepts of Ayurveda, 4 pillars, Constitution, Guna–s and Dosha-s, Yoga panchabutta-s and Ayurveda attributes, VPK characteristics (vata, pitta, kapha), Nadi pulse reading and theory of Nadi, Homework.
2024-03-17 Sun
DAY 2 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 08:00am to 01:00pm
AyurYoga practice with mantra, Review Science of Nadi and pulse reading, Ayurveda theory of Prakrtii and Vikrtti, How to analysis constitution, Analysis your Prakrtti (natural constitution), Homework / Exam.
2024-03-23 Sat
DAY 3 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 08:00am to 01:00pm
AyurYoga practice with mantra, Review Nadi reading, homework / exam and Prakrtti analysis, Ayurveda theory of Understanding Food (ingestion, digestion, assimilation, elimination), Healthy versus Unhealthy eating and dosha effects), Agni and Body tissues, Mala (elimination), Food times, Diet ideas, Homework.
2024-03-24 Sun
DAY 4 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 08:00am to 01:00pm
AyurYoga practice with mantra, Review Nadi reading, Ayurveda theory of six Food Attributes, Six tastes of Rasa, Overview Virya, Vipaka, Guna, Karma, Prabhava, General food and cooking guidelines, Rasa food examples, psychological effects of food, Rasa handbook on properties and actions of food, Homework / Exam.
2024-03-30 Sat
DAY 5 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 08:00am to 01:00pm
AyurYoga practice with mantra, Self home oil treatment (abhyanga) practicum, Theory of balancing treatments (Abhyanga, Svedhana, Cleanses, Purvakarma, Pancakarma, Herbal Remedies, Wellness case study, Ayurveda cooking practicum, Cooking recipes for Kitcheri, Ghee, Desert, Soups, Chai, Closing ceremony.
2024-03-30 Sat
On completion of your studio training you will receive the Yoga Awareness Level 1 certification. Studio training hours can be credited to then Yoga Awareness YAT200 Yoga Teacher training.
2024-03-30 Sat
HOME TRAINING (optional extra cost)
4 weeks of Ayurveda Sadhana (personal home practice). The purpose of the home training is to develop your Ayurveda sadhana, which is a tapas to understand and experience the effects that Ayurveda has on your system. Schedule a private session with a Yoga Awareness teacher, either online or in-person, to discuss your Ayurvedic needs and a daily home practice. At the end of each week you can then submit a weekly sadhana report for 4 continuous weeks. PRICE: 2x (45 mins each) private session + worksheets $150

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