India Reflections

Human Welfare

Human welfare is not in its material welfare. It is in its internal welfare: when the heart is calm, when there is peace in the heart, when there is contentment, which is most important.

Taken from the Book "Heart Speak 2005", Chapter "Interview with The Hindu Newspaper", pg. 125, by Revered Chariji. Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Inc.

God Inside

Spirituality does not talk of God outside you because everyone has God inside himself. And Him I don't have to worship. I have to learn to live with Him, accept Him as my elder brother, be guided by Him, and let Him rule my life from inside.

Taken from the Book "Heart Speak 2005", Chapter "Religion and Spirituality", pgs. 85-86, by Revered Chariji


When you begin a thing with the idea that you won't be able to complete it you will never do it. The success of the work always lies in one's own will and confidence.

Taken from the Book "Letters of the Master, Vol. 1", Chapter "1959", pg. 395, by Babuji Maharaj. Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Inc.

Sacred Love

Love is subtle, love is also supposed to be secret because it is sacred. Love between two people or between God and His bhakta (devotee) is a sacred thing, not to be worn on one's sleeve, not to be ecstatic about in public, not to be exposed in Trafalgar Square or in Piccadilly. It is like the undercurrent in a river.

Taken from the Book "Heart Speak 2005", Chapter "Resonating With the Divine Being", pgs. 140-141, by Revered Chariji. Sahaj Marg Spirituality...


Miracle is an attainment of a very low grade and is also cheaply earned, but it is by no means the criterion of a saint, though he may at times be working it out in accordance with the Nature's demand. The display of miracles for the sake of amusement or demonstration is the grossest abuse of power.

Taken from the Book " Letters of the Master, Vol. 2", Chapter "1960", pg. 16, by Babuji Maharaj. Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Inc.

God manifests

God manifests primarily in three forms: the Ultimate form where he is nameless, formless, attributeless. Then we have the closest to that manifestation which, in Sanskrit, we call the Antaryamin, meaning 'one who resides within.' The third form is that in which he is worshipped in external idols, icons, pictures, etc. The way of development is to start with the external worship at a young age when we are not able to conceive of some more abstract forms. And when religion has served...

Spirituality begins

According to my Master, spirituality really begins where religion ends. While the basic education of man can be undertaken by religion, his further development, when he has reached what may be termed adulthood, can only be offered by spirituality. Spirituality is easily identifiable with mysticism in all its aspects. Religion enforces an externalization of the mind in man's search for God. Mysticism or spirituality internalizes the search and directs the mind to the heart of man, where...