Ayurveda FAQ's

What is Ayurveda?

Q: What is Ayurveda?

A: Ayurveda is a dharsana (reflection) to see our 'body'. Ayurveda is not just information on diet and cleansing, rather it's a meditation on 'Self'.

The foundation principle of Ayurveda is 'health' verses 'illness' and during this study you will receive a comprehensive introduction of Ayurveda, then analyze 'prakrtti', our natural state and 'vikrtti', our unbalanced state. With this clarity you can start developing simple and effective ways in your daily life to bring yourself and family from imbalance to balanced health, and then to maintain your natural state of health.

The ancient 'Seers' used meditation to see, like an modern x-ray machine tries to see. Self study allows us to see ourself ~ our body, emotions and mind. As we develop these abilities to 'see' we then naturally develop the ability to 'purify'. This makes our journey easier to travel and gives us a greater sense of clarity to make more healthier choices in our personal, family and business life. Yoga and Ayurveda are the transformational tools to enlighten and the time proven Teachings of Patanjali will enhance your life, helping you 'shine' and reach your highest potential.