Ayurveda FAQ's

Why do treatments when I feel healthy?

Q: Why do I need to come for treatments when I feel healthy?

A: Good question, many clients ask this. Our body has this amazing ability to balance our imbalances and hide them under the rug. The purpose is so that we can continue our life without stopping every time that we experience a common cold. However, these imbalances are forgotten and stored in our body at a physical, emotional and mental level. The purpose of Ayurveda is to reduce these imbalances (vikrtti) and restore our natural health (prakrtti).

The Ayurveda treatments and self-care home programs will actually disturb your existing disturbance. It's like lifting the rug and sweeping underneath. So the best time to make these changes is when you're feeling happy and healthy, so being able to comfortably withstand the transformation from a

Remember that it takes years, maybe even a life time, to create our disturbances and when Ayurveda is applied consistently for a short period of time then the problems which would normally keep reoccurring start to miraculously disappear. People don't usually notice these changes because they are gradual, which is a very healthy way to transform and these transformations are life changing. Ayurveda is not like taking a pill to cover the symptoms of a headache, rather it removes the cause of the symptoms. Before every treatment we are recording your progress, just so that we can review this magical transformation and discuss it with you later.

So, with this in mind please don't wait until the problem is raging, like a fire, because we then spend so much time just helping control the fire, which of course we will do when required. However we would prefer to work holistically with clients to regularly maintain their state of ease (prakrtti) rather than always fighting their dis-ease (vikrtti).