Yoga & Ayurveda Blog

Yogini Magazine Vol. 56 ???? Tedd's Interview Page

Yoga & Therapy: Yoga Awareness states that Yoga cikitsa (therapy) is the skillful application of Yoga teaching and this knowledge has come from our Indian teachers. Yoga teaching is therapy. Yoga gives therapeutic and healing benefits for all human beings, at the levels of our body, mind and spirit.
Yoga Awareness Hawaii is at Downtown Honolulu, near Kakaako...

On āsana - Aloha from Peggy @ Yoga Awareness Pukalani, Maui


In every Yoga Awareness class, from chanting to āsana and prānāyāma practices, the student is traditionally preparing for what the ultimate purpose of yoga is: inner stillness and meditation.

In Yoga, “āsana” is defined as any of the yogic postures or movements, but literally translates as "to seat". It is said that originally the only posture in yoga was a comfortable seat taken for long periods...

Like a garden - Aloha from Peggy in Pukalani Maui Yoga Awareness

When we learn to quiet our mind, then we can rest in our natural state. Asana and prāṇāyāma are useful tools in cultivating a quiet, clear and steady mind.

I say "cultivate" because our mind is like a garden that needs regular attention. If we don't care for it a little every day, the creepers will take over and the next time we...

Yoga is relationship, suite - Aloha from Peggy in Maui Yoga Awareness

"Yoga is relationship” - T.K.V Desikachar
So much is said here with just three words. First we may realize that the relationship we have with ourself is mirrored by the relationships we have with others, our teacher, our family, our friends, and the World we live in.
But also, Yoga helps us in uniting the different parts of our own unique self,...

Yoga is relationship - Aloha from Peggy in Maui Yoga Awareness

As T.K.V. Desikachar once said, “Yoga is relationship”. The gift of this unique relationship is that it honours the link with the source of the teaching. The very first time I met my teacher Tedd Surman, I felt it instantly. Each time I am with my teacher I am linked to the source. Every time I practice, meditate, chant, I am linked to the source. And...

On Yoga and Meditation - Aloha from Peggy in Maui Yoga Awareness

The unwatched mind is like a runaway train — it’s very hard to slow down and see clearly. That’s why yoga, including meditation (dhyanam) is so profound and important. It’s training ourself to be aware of the sensations, thoughts, and emotions present in any given situation. Rather than running off in the story of those thoughts or feelings, we see them as...

Aloha from Peggy in Maui Yoga Awarenesss

What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more? My wish for the yoga world and for all of us, is a growing realization that yoga practice isn’t just a technique for self improvement, but is also a greatly refined means for expanding our awareness and discovering that which, in all of us, needs no improvement, and cherish it. Om ‘santi ‘santi ‘santi...

A peaceful mind - Aloha from Peggy, Yoga Awareness

We learn to keep our mind peaceful by feeding good thoughts to our mind. In letting our mind rest... we let it be restful, not restless. Let us remember: our mind is our own. We mustn’t let our mind cause us distress. We cannot slap or suppress the mind – we have to give it love. By giving our own mind love we will make it peaceful. Om 'santi. I look forward to...