Daily Quotes

Pick Yourself Up, You Got This

Failure isn't falling down, it's refusing to get back up.
Life can be very intimidating at times.There are moments in our lives that we know and feel like we have fallen, these are the moments that make us winners, because if we are able to get back up, and continue on our pursuit of our dreams no matter what, they will near closer and closer to us until we are able to grab them.
Pick yourself back up.Never depend on anyone else's strength but God's strength to help you through.Keep going!What is the point in giving up now?Yes, sometimes we fight hard to get to where we are, and sometimes it feels like for all the fighting we have done, we should be farther in life, but never bend your will.
Keep imposing your will on life!You are an unstoppable force if you allow for yourself to be.Pick yourself back up, you got this!

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