Yoga Awareness
Tedd Surman & Masumi
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Certified YAT Teachers
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Yoga is to have a stable mind and healthy body. Ayurveda is to have a healthy body that is free from disease. When practiced together Yoga and Ayurveda work hand-in-hand as brother and sister healing modalities.
Style of Yoga
Raja Yoga literally means to 'shine the mind' and strengthen the body. Yoga Awareness offers the authentic Vedic teaching of Raja Yoga by Patanjali as taught through the Krishnamacharya-Desikachar lineage. The teachings are universal in application and are non-sectarian and non-religious. They are considered a science of the mind giving us clarity and the ability to focus on our chosen interest. The ultimate goal is attaining freedom from suffering with peacefulness and contentment in our life.
Raja Yoga gives us three methods of sadhana (practice);
1. Kriya Yoga is healthy action and attitude to practice,
2. Ashtanga Yoga is to purify and strengthen body and mind,
3. Samkhya Yoga is self understanding and awareness.
We also reference the ancient texts of Hatha Yoga, the Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita as teaching methodology in the Self Therapy and Yoga Teacher trainings.
Style of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of life and longevity. It is one of the oldest healthcare systems known, originating over 5,000 years ago. Yoga Awareness offers Ayurveda in two ways:
1. Ayurveda Education with comprehensive trainings ranging from the foundation principles of Ayurveda, to advanced studies and treatment practicums. The ancient Ayurvedic teachings are from the Charaka Samhita and Astanga Hrdayam.
2. Ayurveda Therapy is offered only for students who are practicing Yoga and Ayurveda with Yoga Awareness. This is to support a student's self journey of wellness with the healing methods of Ayurveda. Everyone is unique and the therapeutic programs are tailored to meet the needs of each person.