7, 14, 21 days
in Honolulu, Hawaii

  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
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  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii offers Ayurveda Therapy in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii AYURVEDA pulse reading in Honolulu, Oahu

3 Hours Daily

7, 14, 21 DAYS
from $1750, tax included

Yoga Private
(30 minutes daily)

YOGA prepares the body therapeutically by using specific Yoga movements before starting your Ayurveda treatment. When applied together Ayurveda and Yoga are two powerful methods of transformation for health and healing.

Purvakarma & Panchakarma
(2.5 hours daily)
ASSESSMENT: (15 minutes) During your Ayurveda Wellness Program we develop a greater understanding, identify any health problems and jointly develop an Ayurvedic approach to balance your dosha-s (vata, pitta, kapha). Daily we review the effects of your previous day with in-depth questioning and reading of the nadi pulse, then adjust your wellness program to best suit your needs.
PURVAKARMA: (1.5 hours) Purvakarma treatments are a combination of abhyanga treatments (medicated full body oil bath) for 2 hours and svedhana (heat bolus) treatments for 30 minutes to specific areas of your body. The Purvakama treatment stabilizes and strengthens your system and prepares you for Panchakarma treatments.
PANCHAKARMA: (30 minutes) Panchakarma treatments are internal purification treatments for more acute and chronic health issues. Preparation of the body is done with a series of Purvakarma treatments, then depending on your specific needs we apply one of the five purification methods (nyasam, vamana, vasti, virecana, rakta mokshanam). It reduces ama (toxin) from our environment and brings a long-lasting balance to your system.

SHOWER: (15 minutes) After each treatment you can enjoy a hot shower. We provide a fresh towel and Ayurvedic soap daily for your convenience. It is best to wear comfortable darker clothing when receiving treatments. Your good clothing is prone to color depending on the different types of oils that we have used.

Ayurveda Kitcheri Meal
(lunch or dinner take home)
DAILY DIET: We provide freshly cooked Ayurveda kitcheri lunch daily after your wellness session, or you can take home for an evening meal. It is a gentle scrub for your stomach, intestines and colon. The importance of creating a simple daily food diet during your wellness program is to establish new samskara-s (healthy eating patterns) and to stabilize the apana (stomach region) to help balance your dosha-s (vata, pitta, kapha).