Training Testimonials

Expecting different results

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The Webster's dictionary defines insanity as repeating the same behavior and expecting different results. I have used this quote in daily situations from eating habits to crowded Costco settings, yet I wasn't practicing the central tenant of this idea, all the while continuing to struggle within relationships and internal conflicts. The Yoga Awareness year-long 'self development and teacher training' program turned the light on, helping me to reveal my patterns and gave me the tools to create a daily practice to help break those cycles and patterns that were creating unhappiness. Of course I still have days of self created distractions, turmoil and struggle in my relationships, but now I have a practical set of tools to turn to. By using these tools that I studied in my Training I now remain more in the light and I'm aware of my behavior. I am thankful for my seeking nature that brought me to Yoga Awareness and Tedd, as the experience over the past year has changed my life in a profound and beautiful way, as my family and friends have all noticed as well. If you have found Yoga Awareness and are on the fence on whether on not to join the 2008 Training, then step away from the excuses, whatever they may be, and remember that suffering is optional.

Michelle Kane
Santa Cruz CA, USA
Posted Date : 29-01-2008
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