Daily Quotes

The Only One Who Stops You Is Yourself

Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you, most of all, other people can't stop you.The only one who stops you is yourself.
A lot of times we make our lives a lot more difficult than they really need to be.If we just stopped letting fear control us, we would soon realize that most obstacles in our way would easily be removed from our paths if we are just willing to walk through them.
There are many instances in life that can be solved with a little boldness, and a little faith.To conquer our obstacles we must first be able to conquer our own minds.When you are able to believe when you shouldn't believe, and when you are able to be courageous when it doesn't at all seem logical to do so, the obstacles and challenges that have been in your way for such a long time are a bother to you no longer, and the things you desire for your life will eventually be in your grasp.Just walk boldly!image

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