
Hawaii, Japan, India

  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii AYURVEDA pulse reading in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • 20190222 ayurveda herbs spices IMG 6468 clearcut h210
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii YAT 1200 AYURVEDA THERAPIST training in Honolulu, Oahu
  • Yoga Awareness Hawaii offers Ayurveda Therapy in Honolulu, Oahu

0.5 - 2.5 Hours

description list
Ayurveda treatments are designed to meet your specific needs and a wellness program is discussed with your during your assessment. These programs can be adjusted as your condition changes. The wellness program is for 10 or more Ayurvedic treatments and can be scheduled to fit your work, family or vacation obligations. Please note that we don't offer one-off treatments and the benefit of doing a minimum of 10 treatments is to make a doshic change that is more sustainable.
(stomach scrub)
2 ayurveda meals

Kitcheri is a term commonly used in India for simple food that has come from the kitchen. The benefits of eating Kitcheri once a day for breakfast, lunch or dinner is that it stabilizes and regulates our metabolism. This is a gentle internal Ayurveda cleansing process which reduces any ama (toxin) accumulation in our stomach, intestines and colon. Kitcheri is prepared over a 2 day period of sprouting and cooking using organic mung beans and Indian herbs. It takes only a minute to prepare your meal, vegetables can be added and it tastes great! A daily diet program of kitcheri is recommended.

(yoga private)
30 minutes

Cikitsa prepares the body therapeutically by using specific Yoga movements before starting your Ayurveda treatments. When applied together Ayurveda and Yoga are two powerful methods of transformation for health and healing. Ideal for chronic problems such as neck and shoulders, low back, sacrum, hips, knees and feet.

(heat treatment)
30 minutes

Svedhana treatments are the application of a medicated bolus heated and applied with oils to specific areas of the body. It is therapeutic for bone and ligament conditions to areas such as neck, shoulders, scapulars, hips, knees, ankles and hands. The treatments also reduce cellulite on the back of thighs and the fatty tissue behind the neck. Ideal for low backache (lumbar), midback hunching (kyphosis), neck pain (cervical), spinal lordosis and spondylosis. Assessment and hot towel wipe-down included.

(body extremities treatment)
1 hour

Samana treatments are applied only to the extremities of your body (head, arms and hands, legs, feet). It is a combination of an abhyanga oil bath treatment and some svedhana heat treatment when needed. This treatment will nourish you, restoring your natural luster and beauty from aging. A regular wellness program will give you a feeling of stability, protection and wellness. Assessment and hot towel wipe-down included.

(full oil bath treatment)
1.5 hours

Abhyanga treatments are a full body oil bath of medicated oils which balances your dosha-s, (vata, pitta, kapha) and brings them back to their rightful place. This aligns and strengthens your system so that 75% of your health issues reduce. We apply medicated oils by feeding you through your skin, which is your largest organ of the body. Regular abhyanga treatments balance a person holistically so that you can enjoy a natural and healthy life. Assessment and shower included.

(stabilize & strengthen)
2 hours

Purvakarma treatments are a combination of abhyanga treatments (medicated full body oil bath) for 2 hours and svedhana (heat bolus) treatments for 30 minutes to specific areas of your body. The Purvakama treatment stabilizes and strengthens your system and prepares you for Panchakarma treatments. Assessment and shower included.

(cleanse & purify)
30 minutes

Panchakarma treatments are internal purification treatments for more acute and chronic health issues. Preparation of the body is done with a series of Purvakarma treatments, then depending on your specific needs we apply one of the five purification methods (nyasam, vamana, vasti, virecana, rakta mokshanam). It reduces ama (toxin) from our environment and brings a long-lasting balance to your system. If needed Panchakarma treatments are only applied after a series of five Purvakarma treatments.