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  • Masumi 2016 Yogini magazine in Tokyo
  • Masumi 2016 Yogini magazine in Tokyo
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Our goal is to help students develop a regular sadhana (practice). As you practice yoga more regularly then it's easier to maintain the state of yoga.

The Sadhana Series is an incentive for choosing 5 consecutive yoga classes on the "same day and time" each week and then we'll reward you with 1 bonus class.

5 + 1


You don't need to pay for the Sadhana Series in advance, we just deduct your YA member account $15 each time you take a class.

As an example, if the THU @ 7am class is your best day for 6 consecutive weeks then choose it when signing-up online and select in the 'Number of Classes' drop-down the 'Sadhana Series'. We'll send you 5 zoom link/passes for each consecutive THU @ 7am yoga classes and then 1 bonus once you've completed all of your 5 classes.

Don't worry if you can't make one of the classes in your series, you just won't receive a bonus class. But regardless you'll still get the classes you attend at the YA member rate of $15 per class. Please note that you can't change any class dates after making a commitment to your Sadhana Series.

If you want to practice more each week then simply signup for another Sadhana Series, it's very easy ! Or if you need more flexibility with dates then continue doing your individual classes anytime that suits you best. Either way, let's keep practicing together for a healthier you. See you soon !

How does it work?

Join as a Yoga Awareness YA Member first
and enjoy 25% discount off every class.
Then choose your Yoga Awareness class
and select 'Sadhana Series' when signing up.