India Reflections


Our desires are to a great extent the cause of miseries. So we pray to God to bestow upon us the state of desirelessness, or freedom from wishes. It is almost certain that, unless it is achieved, we can never acquire a balanced state of mind. Desirelessness means we stop further formation of samskaras. What remains then is only to undergo the effect of the previous samskaras, which when exhausted lead us to the level of liberation.

Taken from the book "Letters of the Master, Vol. 1",...

I Love Those Who Can Smile

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. 


Leonardo da Vinci

God has Hidden

God has hidden Himself inside your hearts and exposed you. Hide yourselves and expose God!

Taken from the book "Truth Eternal (5th edn., 2010)", Chapter "Lalaji", pg. 18, by Lalaji Maharaj

Ask Not

My Master said you should never ask anything from God because,

first thing, we don't know what to ask. And we don't know whether the thing we ask for will be good for us, and how long it will last. You see? So leave it to Him; that is called 'surrender'.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "Love Means Giving", pg. 222, by Revered Chariji

Family Life is a Life Worth Having

Life in a family is a life worth having, because in it we learn how to love others. It is a school for training for real life. You have to remove only the brokenness and you will feel the love flowing equally to one and all, and it becomes universal.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message at Bangalore", pg. 417, by Babuji Maharaj

Peep Into Reality

Reality dawns upon him alone who goes back along with Nature, making himself subtler and subtler. Unless the grossness is completely off, we cannot even peep into Reality. For the impediments, if any, we alone are responsible. Until and unless these things are removed, we cannot expect the advent of Reality.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3 (1st Indian edn., 1999)", Chapter "Message at Raichur", pg. 390, by Babuji Maharaj

Divine Blessings

Even as the harshness of the Beloved is appealing to a lover since it contains a gentle tenderness which reflects love all through and attracts him all the more, the rebukes of the Beloved are very pleasant to him and offer him greatest joy. If we take a cruder view of these scoldings, they assume the form of painful experiences which people call by the name of miseries, which are so easily endurable to a true lover who takes them with delight even in their grossest form. When this state is acquired,...

Spiritual Work

In truly spiritual work, the very concept of planning may be a redundant one. How does one plan for an activity in a field where thought and action are simultaneous, are really one? In the spiritual field they are not two separate things. Master has often told me, "Think that such and such a thing shall happen, and it will happen. All that is necessary is an unfailing will."

Taken from the book "Yatra, Vol. 2", Chapter "One", pg. 99, by Revered Chariji

Dharma - save oneself

The remedy to save oneself from this [the idea of freedom and bondage] is to convert evil intention into good intention and then act. Serving the fellow beings of the world in the light of this experience, without any selfish motive, is the best kind of sacrifice and worship. One who acts in such a way will be free from the bondage of karma (action). Such action is the nature (dharma) of this gross body.

Taken from the book "Truth Eternal (5th edn., 2010)", Chapter "Karma", pg. 49,...