India Reflections

No Failure

In my thinking, it is important to understand that there is no failure. Because most of our initiative is snubbed out when we think of failure. I want to do something. Even before I think of the success of the venture or the effort, I begin to think of the possibility of failure, and I become impotent. So we should forget that such a thing as failure exists.

Taken from the book "Heart to Heart, Vol. 1", Chapter "No Success – No Failure", pg. 214, by Revered Chariji

Guru - Real Teacher

A real teacher is not one who can explain to us the soundness of the religious dogmas or who can prescribe to us do's and don'ts. What we stand of in need from a guru is the true impulse to effect the awakening of the soul, and his direct support in the course of our further march on the path of realisation. Such a man we have to seek for, if we aim at success.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Way to Realisation (Role of...

Iron Will

What is required for spiritual growth of man is only an iron will. When it is there, the goal is just in sight. If you have these two things there can be absolutely no chance of failure. A powerful will, once made, is enough for the sure attainment of the Real. Half the distance is crossed when a man enters the field with a firm will. Nothing can then stand in his way.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 2", Chapter "Clarifications", pg. 107, by Babuji Maharaj

Guru as Mother II

So Babuji said, "A Guru can be taken in so many ways: as a teacher, as a giver of good things, as a punisher" - I mean, you can think of so many things. But he said, "Think of the Guru as your mother. That is the most wonderful relationship that you can create with your Guru."

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "Love Means Giving", pg. 222, by Revered Chariji

Guru as Mother III

The conception of a guru as mother is, in my opinion, by far the most appropriate and advantageous to a disciple. A mother is the very embodiment of love and affection. Only a mother's heart can bear with patience all troubles and miseries caused to her by her son, thinking all the while of trying to provide for her son's comfort and happiness. The same is the position of the real Master or Guru, who is the spiritual mother of the disciple. As such, the guru is always on the lookout for the spiritual...

Guru as Mother IV

Guru is the connecting link between God and man. It is through His medium only that we can reach God. He is the only power that can extricate us from the intricacies of the path.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Way to Realisation (Role of the Guide)", pg. 357, by Babuji Maharaj


We expect that out of every abhyasi in Sahaj Marg - that they don't wait for a saviour to come, because a saviour is right here in your heart, and we contact him every time we meditate. All that we have to do is to remain silent, hear his voice and then follow what he says.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "The Power of Love", pg. 214, by Revered Chariji

Love V

Love is the only security because there is no suspicion, there is no negative attraction. What you have here is broadcast infinitely, and everybody feels it; you can have no enemies.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2005", Chapter "The Power of Love", pg. 215, by Revered Chariji

Love and Duty

Mohammad Ghazni had a slave named Ayaz, whom he loved very much. The other courtiers did not like this behaviour of the King. Someone asked the King, "Why do you love Ayaz so much?" After some time the King asked every one of the courtiers to smash down a very costly tree of diamonds which he had brought from India, and which was hung from the ceiling of the courthall. But none of his courtiers touched it. Then the King called Ayaz and commanded him to break down the diamond tree. Ayaz obeyed...

God's help

"God helps those who help themselves." On the face of it, this is absurd, as you will surely agree. But if you go down to the profounder depths, one cannot be helped unless one at least starts to help oneself. For example, if there is a person who is lying sick on the side of the road and motorists are speeding fast, no one will stop if he is lying like a dead man, for the fear of involvement. On the contrary, if he is struggling and making efforts to rise, surely people will stop and help him...