Daily Quotes

Have No Fear Of Perfection, You'll Never Reach It

The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy.The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible waste of time.-Edwin Bliss
Many grow up with a goal or dream so big that they get lost in perfecting their plan to achieve it.When we start to forget the big picture, especially when pursuing a lifestyle or a huge life goal, we often forget that the importance is achieving the goal, and not exactly trying to do it in the most perfect way.
Sometimes you are going to win in life, and it is going to be ugly.Nothing will happen exactly as you plan for it, every time that you make plans.Sometimes things will have to happen that you dont expect but that doesnt make you any less of a champion, I would argue that it makes you even more of a champion.Champions rise above any and every extenuating circumstance.Champions fail and they get right back up and try again until they achieve whatever it is that they desire to achieve.image

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