Daily Quotes

How Your Future Can Be Greater Than Your Past

Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to doesn't mean your future can't be better than you imagined.
In life there are two main principles of giving and receiving that are relevant to almost any circumstance we are confronted with on a daily basis.If a person wants to be successful in life they have to be willing to "give" hard work, to "receive" the benefits of working hard.If a person wants for people to be genuine with them they must be willing to give "genuine advice and love" in order to receive it back.
If a person wants to live peacefully with a peaceful attitude full of confidence, humility, and strength they have to be willing to not receive from their fears and instead receive from giving and being faithful.Choosing to stay positive in the midst of our biggest trials, and walk in the confidence of knowing that everything will be okay, is giving to the faith and hope we have, so that we may be able to receive from being faithful eventually.Stay faithful, and in time, everything will be just fine.image

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