Daily Quotes

Nobody Really Cares If You're Miserable, So You Might As Well Be Happy

Nobody really cares if youre miserable.So you might as well be happy.
Unless we are some type of huge celeb, usually us being miserable over circumstances in our lives will only affect ourselves, and the closest circle of people that we may have around us, but other than that, truly, nobody cares.Why should they?I know that when I am walking...

Quotes That Express The True Meaning Of Christmas

Jesus is the main reason for this wonderful occasion.This Christmas let us together venerate baby Jesus and promise him to try hard to follow his teachings.Merry Christmas to you and all your family members.
image This Christmas as you count...

Merry Christmas!

Meanwhile, Santa is warming up... Merry Christmas to all our friends!

Stay Inspired So You Can Inspire

Stay inspired so you can inspire.
Staying inspired isn't always the easiest thing to do.Sure, you may be going through a rough time.You may feel as though life has stacked all of its chips against you and is betting on your downfall, but you must stay determined.
To really live an inspired life, you must first be willing to live a life of...

It Doesn't Matter What Other People Think Of You

It doesn't matter what other people think of you.All that matters is what you think of you.
In life we are constantly faced with making the choice of conforming to an ideal of society, and being a person that we know may be socially accepted, but wouldn't necessarily be an accurate representative of who we really are on the inside, or to being...

Each Heart Has Some Pain

Each heart has some pain only the way of expression is different ...Some hide it in their eyes while some hide it in their smile.
In a life full of difficulties and adversity we must willingly develop the mindset that there is no amount of pain we will never be able to surpass.We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us in...

Recognize our Essential Unity

Love is how it feels to recognize our essential unity. Awakening to oneness is the experience of Big Love. Knowing you are one with...

When Life Knocks You Down...

Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you've ever been, to stand up taller than you ever were.
Life is full of people and obstacles that will try to knock you down, and that wont want to see you ever get back up.When you are knocked down, persevere, and get up like nothing ever happened.
Standing up and continuing to fight isn't what...

Sometimes You Have To Let Things Go

Don't turn a minor disagreement into a flat out war, sometimes you just have to let things go.
Never let a minor argument become a war.Life is much too short to let things snowball and snowball to a point of no return.One big principle that we must learn from our lives is that if we won't win every battle, and...