Daily Quotes

Who Your True Friends Are...

You wanna know who your true friends are?Screw up and see who's still there.
A person who is truly with you will never rejoice over your suffering.If you notice that someone always seems to be up because you are down, then chances are they are not really a friend to you.No matter how much we may wish for someone to truly be a positive factor in our life, a lot of times people just have no desire to see us prosper.
Some are so inflamed by their own disbelief in their own journeys, that they are run over with jealousy and negative feelings towards anyone else seeking to make something out of their own lives.Always remember that there can be many telltale signs in figuring out who your real friends are.Don't believe what people say as much as you believe what they show you with their actions.This simple principle alone will save you from a lot of heartache.image

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