Training Testimonials

YA Yoga Training is Life changing and transforming

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My inspiration to join into this one-year study was that I was willing to look at myself. The reason I chose this lineage is because I saw a commitment in all of our teachers. This wasn't just about learning a series of asana practices. This training was about forming relationships with other students and all of our teachers. Studying the Yoga Sutra's helped me gain an acceptance and understanding about life concepts. Through asana practice I was able to become more familiar with my body and my true self. Studying each asana gave me awareness so that I could share it with other people. Through pranayama and meditation we learned what Kriya and Ashtanga is really all about. Chanting silent or out loud you feel a connection to this work. The Ayurvedic studies were very empowering. This study has helped me with relationships with myself and with other people. It gave me an understanding of how I can take a look at myself or someone else in a different and healthier way. After completing the training, I realized that I had learned so much more than I expected ! Throughout the year, I felt I was surrounded by a sanga (group) of healthy and fun-loving people. I would recommend this study to anyone and that you go with a beginner's mind. This is a wonderful way of learning about Eastern philosophies and their view of Yoga, using asana practice, pranayama, chanting and meditation for the mind, and Ayurveda for healing the body. All I can really say is that it's life changing and transforming.

Santina Melcone
New York City, USA
Posted Date : 28-01-2008
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