Yoga & Ayurveda Blog

My First Anniversary on Maui

Pamela Crane is a Yoga teacher of Yoga Awareness International Yoga & Ayurveda Trainings in Maui, Hawaii

About a year ago my partner and I floated up onto Maui’s shores as gently and easily as if this transition in our life together had been planned lifetimes before. Logistics were smoothly prepared, and within a month of my job offer we were calling this tropical paradise home. Beautiful friends have stepped forward and become loving neighbors, and with all the family visiting our popular island home it’s hard to miss the mainland. What could possibly be so wonderful back in the states that living on Maui isn’t enough compensation? It turns out the answer is very little. When pressed, I admit that I miss PNB and the incredible access I felt working to support these amazingly talented dancers. No other job had offered me more satisfaction until then, and I’m including teaching sailing and brewing craft beer. Now I realize how lucky I am to have my current teaching position. Passing on this particular yoga tradition is an honor, and I hope to continue to inspire students both near and far to keep searching everyday for their own personal connection to yoga. Whether they live on Maui and attend group class once a week or visit from afar and include yoga in their holiday plans, I relish the challenges everyone brings to the mat. Acknowledgement that we’re all uniquely different everyday provides a great equalizer and opportunities for amazing growth. Plus, there’s something special about the semi-transient feel of this island and I know the energy in my classes will be enhanced when there are newly arrived visitors. Not good or bad, just a notion of the beginner’s mind, which can be helpful for everyone. Plus, there is the promise that students will discover something in the practice to take home to develop their personal sadhana. I’ve always loved helping people help themselves, and now I get to do it on Maui…bonus! I’d love for you to join me in ongoing open group classes that are tailored to each individual practitioner. We safely and mindfully integrate breath and movement, creating meditation in motion. There are mats and props to borrow and kind folks to meet. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, in fact, the beginner's mind is best. Come to the Temple of Peace in Ha’iku Monday thru Saturday 8:30 – 10am to cultivate gentle awareness while unifying body, breath and mind for a truly lighter life.

Pamela Crane
Posted Date : 01-04-2015