Yoga FAQ's

Difference between a Raja Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga?

Q: Is there a difference between a RAJA yoga and an ASHTANGA yoga class? If so, what is it ?

A: Hi Thomas. Thanks for your inquiry and you are welcome to join the SAT morning Yoga class in Makawao.

Regarding your question "difference between a Raja yoga and an Ashtanga yoga class". Ashtanga Yoga is a part of Raja Yoga.

Patanjali is considered the author of Raja Yoga and he gives us both Kriya Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga to transform. Kriya is our attitude and Ashtanga is our method to achieving transformation. They are both inseparable and the ultimate goal of Raja Yoga is to shine the mind.

However in a Western group Yoga class many people think of Ashtanga as the 4 series as taught by Patabi Jois. He focused mostly on teaching the asana postures for the body, which is only a small part of Yoga. When you experience a group Yoga Awareness class the focus is on the needs of each student. With Raja Yoga we use the tools of Kriya Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga to help students achieve positive and healthy transformation.

Sometimes we may not achieve all of this is just one group class and while on Maui please come to a few classes. This commitment will give you an opportunity to experience the benefits of Raja Yoga and to develop a relationship with us all at Yoga Awareness.

I hope this is helpful Thomas and we look forward to having you in class.
Mahalo and aloha, Ted