Yoga FAQ's

What does sadhana mean?

Q: What does sadhana mean?

A: The ancient Indian Sanskrit word SADHANA means 'to practice'. This refers to a daily practice of Yoga and Ayurveda which will maintain your health and vitality, giving you a strong mind and resilient body.

A regular daily Sadhana moves us quicker and easier towards our goals, reducing obstacles to make our journey achievable.

The term 'Sadhanapadah' is used in the second chapter of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra-s, which was composed in 2,500 BC. This refers to the Sadhana (practice) to attain the goal of Samadhi (oneness). The two methods of Sadhana given by Patanjali are:

1. Kriya Yoga which means a healthy attitude of practicing Yoga. The three aspects of Kriya Yoga are:

i) Tapas - right action
ii) Svadhyaya - verification of action
iii) Isvarapranidhanani - acceptance of outcome of action

2. Ashtanga Yoga which means the eight parts to practice Yoga. These eight parts are listed separately but are all inclusive. They are:

i) Yama - healthy relationship with society
ii) Niyama - healthy relationship with self
iii) Asana - healthy relationship with body
iv) Pranayama - healthy relationship with lifeforce
v) Pratyahara - healthy relationship with senses
vi) Dharana - meditation (focus)
vii) Dhyana - meditation (understanding)
viii) Samadhi - meditation (absorption)