India Reflections

Never Alone


You are never alone. Spirituality must teach you to feel the presence of the Master so that you do not feel alone.

Taken from the book "The Spider's Web, Vol. 1 (2013)", Chapter "Association-Discipleship-Self-Mastery", pg. 307, by Revered Chariji

Secret - Constant Remembrance

In Sahaj Marg, everything the Master has taught, what Babuji Maharaj, what Lalaji have taught, everything is important. But to me the most important idea is the idea of Constant Remembrance of the Master to develop love for the Master. Babuji was, perhaps, as usual, you know, very shy of emphasizing the need, in an abhyasi, to love the Master. He never liked to say these things. But He gives a hint: that Constant Remembrance is superior to meditation.

Taken from the book "The Fruit...

Love is Self-Discipline

Love is wonderful. Love is a many-splendoured thing. Yes, of course, on the screen! In real life, it is full of discipline, of orderly behaviour, of correct living, of self-discipline. In this sense, charity begins at home, but it does not end there.

Taken from the book "Revealing the Personality", Chapter "Discipline", pg. 111, by Revered Chariji

Karma - manifestation of existence

Action (karma) is the practical or utilitarian side of the manifestation of existence, whereas knowledge is its essential aspect. These two aspects are conjoined with the middle link, which is the human heart. This very heart sends its current in the grosser regions of existence, causes the action to be performed and practiced, and thus arranges for the expression of its existence.

Taken from the book "Truth Eternal (5th edn., 2010)", Chapter "Karma", pg. 86, by Lalaji Maharaj

Divine Offering

ted-surman-1310-01When our mind is directed towards God, we naturally begin to feel ourselves in touch with the Supreme Power in all our actions and workings. When this state of mind is permanently established within, every act we do will then seem to be a part of devotion or Divine offering, and we shall thereby be in constant remembrance of...




Humility, so far as it serves as a safeguard against pride and vanity, is a virtue. But when it leads us to underrate our talents and inner capacity, it is harmful.

Taken from the Book "Letters of the Master, Vol. 1", Chapter "1956", pg. 47, by Babuji Maharaj

Spiritual Diary

You should watch your day-to-day condition and write it in a notebook datewise in the form of a spiritual diary. I advise this process to all my associates. It will be very helpful for speedy progress. If you do it, you will soon begin to feel a general improvement in your condition.

Taken from the book "Letters of the Master, Vol. 1", Chapter "1955", pg. 11, by Babuji Maharaj

Judge Not

There comes another quotation from Christianity, "Judge not that ye be not judged." Don't even judge yourself. Who are you to judge when somebody is there to judge? Why do you think you are a sinner or you are a saint? You are neither.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2004, Vol. 2", Chapter "This I Am", pg. 175, by Revered Chariji

Eternal Giver

So, from one who only received in small quantities not even sufficient for himself, to one who has nothing but who is an eternal giver, is the change that Sahaj Marg produces when we say that a human being is divinised. You can never be the Divine, but you can be like the Divine in everything that the Divine is.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2004, Vol. 2", Chapter "Eternally Giving", pg. 142, by Revered Chariji

Love and devotion

Retaining the remembrance of God at all times engenders in us a deep attachment to the Divine and leads to the state in which love for Him develops and overflows. Gradually through this, devotion attains its full form. It is therefore very essential to adopt this procedure.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 3", Chapter "Message at Tinsukia", pg. 414, by Babuji Maharaj


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