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☆ Something good is coming ☆ 2024 Ayurveda Trainings starting March 16th

☆ Something good is coming ☆ 2024 Ayurveda Trainings starting March 16th

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Yoga Awareness international training of Yoga and Ayurveda with Tedd Surman & Masumi

Hi ‍

Something Good is Coming

What is the start of your new year like? Ours started from the countdown fireworks at Waikiki Beach. The powerful sounds and the energy of fireworks were the starting bell. We all wish something good is coming for this fresh new year. For us something good is our health ... our digestive fire 🔥

Fresh vegetables harvested in the morning are on the kitchen table

Since spending many months in India last year we learned and experienced Ayurveda at a new level, even after 30 years of living Yoga and Ayurveda. We've dived into improving our Dinacharya, which is a Sanskrit term for doing an Ayurveda daily routine. The knowledge itself is not enough. The next thing is to keep doing Dinacharya to maintain our health at home.


Let us introduce one of the examples of our Dinacharya. Our focus is Ayurveda meals, which will promote our digestive fire. Some people say "we are what we eat". Yes, that's true however we'll go further saying, "we are what we digest". Whatever we eat it should be digested well otherwise it will stay in our body as toxins (ama). If you want to be healthy, it’s not just what you eat but more importantly it's how strong your digestive and elimination power is.


We reviewed our daily meals and adjusted for better digestion. It's simple and really works! We shouldn't suffer from indigestion. This is a fundamental principle of Ayurveda from the ancient teachings.


What is your Dinacharya? If you haven't started yet it's not too late to step into it. The next time when we see you please let us know what you're doing for your Ayurveda daily routine.


Love, namaste, konnichiwa and aloha from us both,
Tedd and Masumi

"We are what we eat" ? or "We are what we digest" ?

"We are what we eat" ? or "We are what we digest" ?


Healthcare Training
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4



Let's maintain our health through this ancient knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda. Please join us this coming March for our Ayurveda Healthcare trainings or Wellness programs in Hawaii, Japan and India.

Plan your Ayurveda Path !

What are your needs, aspirations and goals ? Are you interested in Ayurveda to learn more about your well-being and the healthcare for others ?

Yoga Awareness offers Ayurveda trainings and practicums with Tedd Surman and Masumi. They are held every year in Hawaii, Japan and India. For students who are unable to travel to a training location we also provide online Zoom !

Ayurveda Healthcare Level 1 Training

5 Half Day
(25 Hours)

Ayurveda Healthcare Level 2 Training

5 Half Day
(25 Hours)

Ayurveda Healthcare Level 3 Training

5 Half Day
(25 Hours)

Ayurveda Healthcare Level 4 Practicum

10 Half Day
(50 Hours)

Meet with Tedd Surman and Masumi online to verify and ask questions about the Yoga and Ayurveda trainings. This will also help us understand your needs and goals, and assess your readiness.‍

Tedd Surman director and teacher of Yoga Awareness

Yoga Awareness YAT 3000 certified teacher‍
Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500, YACEP registered

Masumi certified Yoga Awareness teacher

Yoga Awareness YAT 600 certified teacher‍
Yoga Alliance RYT500, E-RYT 200 registered

Yoga Awareness international training of Yoga and Ayurveda with Tedd Surman & Masumi

USA • Hawaii • Japan • India‍‍‍

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