Daily Quotes

Ultimate purpose of Yoga is..?

A stable mind and a healthy body. When a person is balanced physically, emotionally and mentally we often see him/her radiating.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.
Posted Date : 19-08-2015
Credited to:
Website: http://yogaawareness.com

Yoga, moving prana ☆ aligning spine

Yoga works at a therapeutic level of releasing tension, aligning your spine and moving prana (energy) throughout your entire body.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.
Posted Date : 14-08-2015
Credited to:
Website: http://www.yogaawareness.com

To get more flexible do I need to push myself in Yoga classes?

Discomfort or pain will disturb the mind and take away from the positive experience of the asana. We have a funny view of the path towards growth in the west, this 'no pain, no gain' mentality, which is completely off from what we are trying to accomplish in Yoga Awareness classes. You must instead work with awareness towards your own edge.
If your body is experiencing...

What is Ayurveda? ☆ Ask Tedd ☆

It is to see our 'body'. it's a meditation on 'Self'. Ayurveda is not just information on diet and cleansing, rather it's a meditation on 'Self'. The foundation principle of Ayurveda is 'health' verses 'illness' and during this study you will receive a comprehensive introduction of Ayurveda, then analyze 'prakrtti', our natural state and 'vikrtti', our unbalanced state.


Yoga meditaion and fantasy ☆ necessary ingredients in living..

Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. ~Dr. Seuss~

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI, HI
Posted Date : 07-08-2015
Credited to: http://blog.tripro.me/pikachu-doraemon-character

Yoga is more than just poses

I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul." ~ by Rumi - See more at: http://yoganonymous.com/yoga-inspiration-my-25-favorite-yoga-quotes/#sthash.5GrkBtb7.dpuf

Honolulu, Hawaii
Posted Date : 07-08-2015
Credited to: RUMI
Website: http://yoganonymous.com/yoga-inspiration-my-25-favorite-yoga-quotes/#sthash.5GrkBtb7.dpuf

Yoga FAQ's ☆Ask Tedd☆

Q:What is the next step for me to deepen my practice of Yoga? I've been coming to Yoga class regularly, and it's really had a profound effect on my life. What is the next step for me to deepen my practice of Yoga?

A: Patanjali, the great sage who compiled Yoga from the Vedas between 2,000 - 2,500BC, says that a regular daily Yoga practice will give you the...

Certified Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Therapist ☆

Yoga and Ayurveda trainings~ Yoga Teachers to share Raja Yoga and the Teachings of Patanjali through the Krishnamacharya lineage. Ayurveda Therapists to be of service with the Teachings of Charaka samhita and Ashtanga Hridayam samhita. The certification requirements are to ensure that the student is 'fit and ready' so that the growth of the student becomes a positive...

Balance Pitta (The Mind): Ayurveda for summer

Soothing meditations for the mind. Five minutes is better than none at all. Avoid negative, critical thoughts. Chant Om Namah Shivaya (I bow to my highest Self, my Innate Perfection). Pitta can be super critical of self and others and is always striving for perfection. This mantra brings peace to the mind and encourages self-acceptance and love. ~Jivaka Ayurveda News~


Wellness Program ☆ Yoga and Ayurveda

The restorative personalized programs are for health conscious people to achieve positive transformation using tailor-made programs to suit each individual. Come, relax, replenish and rejuvenate in a tropical paradise where transformation can truly begin. These programs are at Honolulu Studio. http://www.yogaawareness.com/wellness/self-retreats

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI,...